The best professionals for your business



Shaby with an artistic and creative background as an art director, Senior photographer and copywriting is helping Atroart become more creative.


Founder and Marketing Strategist

I Believe each piece of art makes visible a corner of the dark, that's why I have been part of an artistic creation since I found myself as a person. I believe Art and creation is not restricted to artistic projects, but also the key concept to make a living.
To make a living, you need to make a business and a business is successful if it is created innovatively and passionately. My background as a film maker and creative officer put innovation and passion in my blood. I have used this to found innovative businesses and also help companies to become more creative. I learned to be a leader with years of film making experience with groups sometimes 40 persons. All these pushed me to found Atroart agency. 


Co-Founder and Creativity Officer


Creativity Officer and Music Composer


Art Director and Set Designer


Campaign Designer